3.72. util-linux-2.37.4
#!/bin/sh # Copyright © 1999-2022 Gerard Beekmans # Copyright © 2017-2022 Random Crew # Distributed under the terms of MIT License.
--disable-makeinstall-chown is added to prevent operations during install, requiring root privileges. They will be performed later during execution of postinstall script.
src_config() { ./configure \ ADJTIME_PATH=/var/lib/hwclock/adjtime \ --bindir=${PREFIX}/bin \ --libdir=${PREFIX}/lib \ --sbindir=${PREFIX}/sbin \ --docdir=${PREFIX}/share/doc/${P} \ --disable-chfn-chsh \ --disable-login \ --disable-nologin \ --disable-su \ --disable-setpriv \ --disable-runuser \ --disable-pylibmount \ --disable-static \ --without-python \ --without-systemd \ --without-systemdsystemunitdir \ --disable-makeinstall-chown }
src_compile() { make ${MAKEOPTS} }
Configuration files clock and shells are handled here instead of manual installation.
src_install() { mkdir -p ${D}/var/lib/hwclock/ make install ${MAKEOPTS} DESTDIR=${D} mkdir -p ${D}/etc/sysconfig/ install -m644 ${PATCHDIR}/files/clock ${D}/etc/sysconfig/ install -m644 ${PATCHDIR}/files/shells ${D}/etc/ }
Unit testing
src_check() { rm tests/ts/lsns/ioctl_ns || nonfail make -k check }
lfs_postinstall method is empty here.
That means postinstall script will not be executed after unpacking the package. Postinstall of this package requires root privileges, which we do not have.
lfs_postinstall() { return }
Run time scripts
Build code
Other files
- url.lfs: https://linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/11.1/chapter08/util-linux.html
- url.lfs.stage1: https://linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/11.1/chapter07/util-linux.html